Tuesday, November 15, 2011

About the PAIN of frozen shoulder

I had described my opinion about the cause of the F S pain in another my post named <Some Questions about Frozen Shoulder treatment> . But maybe for I had not say it very clearly, someone still have question about it. So I'd like to say something more detail in this post. Hope it can be helpful to the patient to know F S well.

Normally we split the F S into 3 stages. In the 1st stage, there will be a inflammation and is quite much painful, but the limitation of the movement is not the most serious condition. In the 2nd stage, the inflammation had gone, the pain are decreased, and you will feel pain when you press the shoulder with fingers. In this stage, the limitation of movement is much serious then the first stage. In the 3rd stage, the pain completely gone, but the shoulder still frozen. In this stage, some of the patient will feel that the frozen begin to "thawing" or recovery. But someone else will not feel that and his/her frozen become a permanent one. I think lots of F S patient know this well. Now I just explain why these from my point of view.

Stage 1, is the period which the frozen take shape. In this period, the number of the crystals are increasing. The tissue and cells do not fit with the new "neighbour" and generated lots of negative response, such as inflammation and pain. But for the bad circulation in the tissue, the crystals are still increasing, and the frozen are trend to be more seriously.

In stage 2, the tissue and muscle had tightly conglutinated together. This does not only limited the movement, but also the circulation of blood. As the result, the crystals will no longer increase, and the tissue had fitted the new status that stay together with the crystals. So the inflammation and the pain gone, and you can only feel pain just at the time the tissue was pressed. This is because the pressure will generate the relative movement of the tissue and the crystals, and the crystals harm to the cells.

In stage 3, the frozen had reached the most seriously status. The pain complete gone and the frozen most tightly. There will be no pain is for there will be no relative movement between crystals and the cells.

Hope this can solve someone's problem about the pain. And your comments is really appreciated!